Sunday, January 30, 2011

1/25/11: Happy 21st Birthday, Ashley!

 Today was my brother's girlfriend, Ashley's 21st birthday.  Here is how the night started:

I iz so happy, I iz getting free shots!

Remember when you turned 21? There is really no where to go but down from this picture on.  Ashley had been out at midnight the night before so I give her props for being able to go out 2 nights in a row.  In the time since my Corey turned 21 (2 years ago) the three of us (Corey, Kelly and I) have not all been out together with our significant others.  This seemed like a perfect opportunity.   Some of us forgot how old we are. Oops. The kids (all 3!) headed to Grandma Kathy's for a sleepover (thanks mom!), we called a cab (Cab's Are Herrreee!) and headed to downtown Kent.

Now seeing it was a Tuesday night, Kent isn't really hopping.  We started at Rays and they still had Christmas Ale on tap.  This is where some people's nights started to go all wrong.  After that we headed to Mugs and I think we were the only people there.  Somehow some cheerleader lifting competition began between the Out-Laws (Paul, Greg, and Ashley) and the Grahams. You can decide the winner for yourself but I think we all know who won.

Grahams:1 OutLaws: 0

Grahams:2 OuLaws:0

Grahams: 3 OutLaws: -1 (They almost dropped her)

Finally a group shot, because at some point of the night  you have to turn in to the cast of Saved by the Bell. I'm not sure who is who but Greg is most definitely AC Slater.

After Mugs we went to Glory Days (which I know is called Water Street Tavern but in my day, it was Glory Days and it used to be next to Paninis, which no longer exists. I'm dating myself)  We were umm asked to leave shortly after because someone *cough*Ashley*cough* wasn't feeling so well in the bathroom.  So we headed back to Rays. This is how Ashley's night ended..back at the place where it all started..

I iz tired, take me home to my awesome hangover bucket.
On a side note, my boot broke that night. Within the first 15 minutes. I was walking to the bathroom and thought it felt funny. I looked down and saw this. Let's just say between that and ice outside I fell no less than 2 times that night. Boo.

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