Friday, September 30, 2011

9/30/11: More Extreme Makeover: Living Room Edition

I finally got the vinyl decals for the living room and the girls room.  The girls room will be in a separate post once we've moved Rylee in there completely. This is over the archway in our living room. I absolutely love it! Minus getting some pictures in the new frames in the living room, I would say our makeover is complete!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

9/29/11: Sleigh bells ring...

Apparently Morgan is the only Ohioan ready for winter. The rest of the family does not share her joy at the moment.

9/28/11: Happy Birthday Kalie! (A little late!)

Kalie's birthday was actually on Sunday but we've been so busy I forgot to snap a picture that day.  Plus we were at the Tribe game and Kalie deserves her own separate post. Little Miss turned 5 this year. This also mean we've been in our house for 5 years now. It's hard to believe that Kalie was a little puppy who was once terrified of the cats. Now that she has a pal in Ace they spend their time racing through the house/yard, playing with the kids, and generally causing mass chaos.  Although the destruction they sometimes leave in their path irritates me, I can't imagine life without her!

Happy Birthday Kalie!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

9/27/11: 29 Weeks

How far along? 29 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 18 lbs total - Ugh time to lay off the chocolate I guess.

Maternity clothes? No more regular work pants for me!  This leaves me quite limited.

Stretch marks? Nope!

Sleep: Still somewhat on my stomach...amazing!

Best moment this week:  Trying out some of my fall wardrobe.

Food cravings:  Oh chocolate, normally I don't care about you either way but I'll still eat you.  Now? I find myself stopping for you at stores and hiding the wrappers from my family. You're sick, I tell ya.

Labor Signs: Not yet!

Belly Button in or out? In

Movement: Yes

What I miss: Not being able to pick up Morgan when she wants me too.. :(

What I am looking forward to:  Not taking 8 billion pills a day.

Weekly WTF: UTI so nice to see you.  Thanks for not bringing your friend kidney infection this time.

Nesting madness: Feeling overwhelmed with the to-do list.  It will get done!

Weekly Wisdom: I feel like pregnant woman should be immune from illness and disease.  We should also be able to drink.

Milestones:  As you can tell I've encountered my first "illness"this pregnancy.  Yay!

9/26/11: Canker Sore Sufferers Unite!

Hello, my name is Kristy and I'm a chronic canker sore sufferer.  I have Kathy Graham to thank for this hereditary trait.  I get them on the regular and I don't just get one at a time I get like 4-5.  It sucks.  It's hard to eat. It keeps me from getting a good sleep. I currently have three. Two of them thankfully are in places that aren't in direct contact with teeth, food, etc.  The other one? It's the biggest of them all and its right on the side of my tongue.  So of course every time I talk my teeth hit it.  It causes me to only eat on one side of my mouth, which is getting really old by the way.

We haven't had anything orajel or anything in the house so I finally broke down today and got some stuff for them.  This product is new to me so I decided to give it a try.  I haven't actually tried it yet but the point is the little tablet dissolves over your canker sore into a gel that stays for 8-12 hours.  If this thing works and lets me eat normal I will be forever thankful!

Any other tips?

9/25/11: Final Home Game

I can't say I'm honestly disappointed in the Tribe this year.  If you told me they would end up somewhere close/at/or above .500 back in March, I would have been thrilled. In typical Cleveland fashion though they did get me a little excited and then let me down. Now that I'm back down from the clouds I'm remembering my thoughts that this probably wasn't the year they would contend.  They definitely kept my interest late into the season though and while it didn't end as I would have liked, I enjoyed this season.

We took the girls to the game today in place of our rainout from August.  Today was the last home game and was also kids fun day.  Morgan and Rylee got cool baseball little backpacks and got a chance to run the bases after the game and meet Paul Sorrento and Chad Ogea.  Mommy was a bit excited too since she had never actually been on the field before.

The game itself seemed, well long.  It went to 10 innings in which we ended up losing. Boo.  The miserable part was that it was hotter than hell and we were in direct sun.  This did not make Morgan and Rylee too happy.  All in all we had a great time and are looking forward to next season!  See you Opening Day Tribe Fans!!!

9/24/11: Akron Marathon Relay

This past Saturday I participated in my first big running event, ever.  Even though I have been running for nearly two decades, I never made it 15 minutes down the road in Akron to be apart of the Akron Marathon and one of its running events.  This year, I was finally able to find a relay team to run on. 
 Approximately 16,000 runners ran in the event in some capacity this year, whether it was the full or half marathon, or the 5 person relay team.  The picture above doesn't do justice to the amount of people gathered on N. Broadway St. just before 7am to get ready to race.
There were so many people, that Eric and I stood at the starting line to watch everyone take off.  We stood there for almost 10 minutes for the last person cross the starting line.
I ran the 5th leg of the relay, a 7.9 mile run from the top of Sand Run Park through neighborhoods, including a quick run through Stan Hewitt Gardens and into downtown.  I felt good most of the way, except the few times that I choked on the water I tried drinking at the water stations. Turns out throwing water at your open mouth isn't the best way to get it down. 
I got to try out the Saucony Progrid Kinvara 2 shoes for the first time in a race (next month I try out the Nike Frees in a race).  They just so happen to match my outfit, with the neon green shoes, shirt, and black running shorts with the neon green stripe.  The only thing out of place was the red bandana I had on my head.
I felt my pace was good through the first 5 miles, right around the 8 minute mark, if not a bit faster.  One of the things I wasn't prepared for was that the first 6 miles of my 8 mile run was a constant run uphill. Sure, the last 2 miles was straight down into downtown, but it was a slow climb that eventually took its toll on my legs.
My training for this race wasn't what it should have been.  My longest training run was between 5 1/2 and 6 miles, 2 miles shorter than the race itself.  I also have been battling a knee injury that I am going to get checked out this week. More on that later.
Between miles 6 and 7, I used the downhills to my advantage, or at least, to the best advantage I could get. The last mile was probably the most brutal mile I have ever run.  Once I crossed the finish line, getting my team a sub 4 hour time, my arms, legs, and feet were all numb.  My legs and feet were the worst, with my feet the worst overall. I am sure it was due to me stopping running and my feet swelling a bit in my shoes that were tied on tight.
One of the coolest part of the race was the finish.  We finished the race by running down Main St. and into the back of the Akron Aeros stadium.  They opened up the doors in center field and you ran toward the crowd sitting in the stands.

With all this being said, and the pain I had from running just 8 miles, I caught the bug.  I am already starting to increase my mileage to prep myself for a marathon run next year at Akron.  The sights, sounds, fans, and the other runners make you want to get out there and do it yourself.  I had already planned on running a marathon soon, as I want to qualify for Boston some day, but this just sealed the deal for me even more.

9/23/11: The Expo

Friday night was the Road Runner Akron Marathon Expo in downtown Akron at the Knight Center.  I met up with Eric, the 4th leg of our 5 man relay team, at the Expo to get him registered and check out the Expo itself.

I have never been to a running event Expo, and to be honest, I was kind of disappointed with it.  It was too crowded, with everyone shuffling along to get their technical running shirt at the end.  There were many shops set up with running gear to buy, along with Bath Fitter. I mean hell, why not have a Bath Fitter booth? Dumb....

The biggest disappointment was not seeing any of the special guests there, including some Biggest Loser contestants, and the person I really wanted to see, Hal Higdon.

Next year I will try to attend the Expo a bit earlier in the day and perhaps go by myself or some other runners to spend time at some of the booths there.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

9/22/11: Fall is here!

Don't let her cuteness fool you.  She's only playing you and waiting to cause mass amounts of chaos.  It's only a matter of time.

9/21/11: 99% Complete!

Our living room that is!  The painting is done, the frames are hung, and the mantle is set.  Everything just needs some fine tuning such as pictures in all the frames and cleaning up the mantle but all in all I'm feeling accomplished.  I shouldn't really say me as Paul did most if not all of the work but I was the mastermind of ideas as usual.

Next - the dining room!

9/20/11:28 Weeks

How far along? 28w

Total weight gain/loss: 16 lbs total

Maternity clothes? Could the weather make up her mind already? I have sweaters that are dying to be worn!

Stretch marks? Nope!

Sleep: Better!

Best moment this week:  3D U/S.  How awesome!

Food cravings:  M&Ms.  Someone cut me off.

Labor Signs: Not yet!

Belly Button in or out? In

Movement: Karate classes are being held in my uterus, yes.

What I miss: Seeing my feet.

What I am looking forward to:  Meeting this little girl already!

Weekly WTF: Appts every two weeks already?

Nesting madness: Got one room almost done and ready

Weekly Wisdom: Keeping your schedule jam packed really moves pregnancy right along.

Milestones: Let the swelling of the ankles begin!

9/19/11: This is a man

A man with a problem, folks.

Between his incessant texting and ice creaming eating I feel like I'm married to a 16 year old girl.

It could be worse I suppose...:sigh:

9/18/11: My new arch nemesis

My baby may come out looking like that little M&M on the front if I don't stop.  I think I may need an intervention and soon. They are just so damn good I can't help myself.  Seriously, next time you see me tell me to lay off the crack...errr..M&Ms.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

9/17/11: Tenley's 3D U/S!

We went this morning with my mom and sister and Mackenzie to get some 3D ultrasound pics of Tenley.  I'd never had it done with either girl and always thought about it so I decided to finally do it this time.  We went to Babywaves in Independence and I would totally recommend it to anyone.  They were so nice and helpful and they had stuff for the kids to do while everything was going on.

Here are some of our favorite pics from the day.  She laid in a good position most of the time but would NOT put her elbow down no matter what we did. She was content to lay there and smile and sleep.  I have U/S pics of both Morgan and Rylee with their hands behind their head so it figures this one would be no different.  Fingers crossed this all means this one is an excellent sleeper too!

The tech kept saying what a happy baby she was in there.  I like that now but don't get any ideas kid.  My uterus may be ritzy but eviction date is on or before December 13.  Don't get too comfortable.

Paul and I both think she looks a little more like Rylee but that is probably because of the no hair deal right now.  We will find out who exactly she looks like in only a few more months!!

9/16/11: Little King and Queen of Brimfest

Today was the kickoff to Brimfest 2011.  This year Morgan was old enough to enter the little Queen contest.  It's nothing serious, although some people sure did think so or maybe I'm just out of the loop. They had you fill out a little questionnaire and turn it in prior to tonight's event.  They asked each contestant the questions then in front of the "judges" and the audience.  Morgan's friends next door Liam and Carter also entered and she was very excited for everyone to go to the fair.

Alas, Morgan did not win (it was rigged I tell ya! ;) ) but she got a little trophy and a goodie bag.  Below is the list of questions and Morgan's answers:

1. How old are you?  3
2. What is your name? Morgan
3. Do you have any pets?  Yes, 2 dogs and 3 cats (although when asked she didn't get all that out)
4. Do you have any siblings?  Yes, Rylee
5. What do you want to be when you grow up?  She had me write down Snow White and a doctor.  She answered Tangled (Rapunzel) and the lady thought she said she wanted to Tango. :sigh:
6. Do you have any special talents? Yes, Dancing.
7.  Would you like to show your special talent? Yes.  Followed  by a booty shake.
8. What would you do if you were Queen? She would give everyone ice cream and build a castle.

All hail Queen Morgan!

9/15/11: The Chiro

Let me start by saying that this pregnancy has been pretty easy.  I don't want to jinx myself by saying it rocks, but well, it does.  All of my pregnancies have been pretty good except for that early sickness I had with Rylee.  The one thing that has plagued me for all 3 though is my sciatic nerve.  It's gotten a little better with each pregnancy (probably because my body is just getting used to it) but it still hurts like a mother on certain days.

I decided last week that I had had enough and made an appt with the chiropractor or chiro as I will refer to him.  I emailed this to Paul last week and he asked me what a, as he said "churro" was.  Oy. Not firing on all cylinders that day were we hunny?   Anywho, I got the recommendation from a few people who had gone while pregnant and said it helped a ton. I'll say even after going once I felt better.  Today was my followup appt  and so far so good.  I'll probably be going in a few more times but for now my instructions are to alternate ice and then heat on the area.  The biggest relief I'm going to get is when I deliver this baby but until then this will work!

9/14/11: Rylee's 15 Month Well Visit

Rylee's well visit was actually the same day as Morgan's first day of Preschool.  Since I knew I would be waiting a day to blog about it, you actually get two days of pictures.  The first set is actually from the day of her appt. We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa at the school while they were taking some pictures. Rylee and Morgan got to sneak in at the end and have some photo opps.

These are actually from today.  My little toddler who is no longer a baby in any way.  It's amazing how much she's changed and grown in just the past few months. She loves to say cheese, hi, mom, and dad.   She weighed in at 21lbs 14oz and was 32 inches and a few hairs tall.  She weighs a couple pounds less than Morgan did at her age but is the exact same height.  Soon enough I will be the shortest one in this family.  She had to get 3 shots today and was a champ until she burst into tears at the very last one.  It was probably her flu shot and I don't blame her because sometimes those suckers burn.

She is such a good natured, goofy, ornery child that loves to play, fight, and annoy her big sister.  Soon enough she will find out what that is like on the other end.  Most of the time she is cracking us up or dancing around. The girls loves to dance and shakes it anytime she hears some tunes. She's starting to get some hair in the back now and I'm hoping the top and front will soon follow!

Happy 15 months to our little girl!!!