Monday, March 31, 2014

Winter Randoms

Life has been busy of late, but I always manage to snap some pictures of our crazy little people.

Someone thought it would be fun to draw on her face.

How hilarious!

Pre-Workout Family Selfie

Hanging with the work crew!

Oh Lord...

St. Paddys!

Anyone notice a trend???

Doing Target the right way

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Mack's Birthday

Instead of a traditional party, we ended up on a tour of the world for Mackenzie's birthday this year. We started off the day before her birthday at Skymax Trampoline Arena. It was pretty fun, even for the adults. On the downside, it smelled like a HS boys locker room. Other than that it was perfect for the group we had.  Let me also add that while I had fun, I'm not sure trampoline jumping is for the over 30 crowd.  I really regretted those toe touches the next day. Yikes.

After we were done jumping, we headed to the creepiest place on Earth, Chuck E. Cheese.  I normally do not frequent the Cheese, in fact I used to be quite afraid of the Cheese as a child. Hey, kids gotta eat and apparently play games until they fall over. It looked like a bomb went off in that place, but the kids seemed to have fun and that's all that matters.  Plus we got some good photo booth pictures of Tenley.  That kid never quits with the faces!

The next day we all hit the bowling alley for a few games of fun. Ashley and I are not good at bowling. The girls all seemed to have a good time and Beckett spent most of his time on Jess' baby bump.  After bowling we headed to Mack's house for some cake. Yum. Oh Miss Mackenzie you are our favoritest niece and sister-cousin! Happy 5th Birthday! We love you!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Morgan Loses a Tooth

Morgan has been waiting forever to lose this tooth. It started wiggling about a month ago. She really wanted to lose it at school because apparently you get to go down to the office and get a special pouch to put your tooth in. We noticed it was super loose a day or so before it actually ended up coming out. Paul tried to pull it out but it hurt her too much so we stopped. Finally, the next day he managed to wiggle it out!  She was so excited.  She put it in a little envelope and wrote on it "Morgan lost her tooth" to make sure the Tooth Fairy found it.  She couldn't wait to tell all her friends at school and everyone else for that matter! She looks so cute now!