Monday, February 25, 2013

Pizza Hut Field Trip

At the end of February Morgan's preschool class took a field trip to Pizza Hut. The kids get to take a tour of the kitchen and make their own pizza!

She looks like a teenager...


Morgan's little group leaving the freezer area.

Making her pizza!

Morgan and the finished product! YUM!

Friday, February 22, 2013

Daddy/Daughter Date Night - Morgan Edition!

Paul and I like to each spend some time with the girls one on one. This particular instance was Morgan's turn with Daddy. He took her to the Kent State Rec Center for some swimming and afterwards they headed to Sweet Frog for some Fro-Yo.

My little fish!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Again, I don't remember a whole lot of what actually happened on Valentine's Day. I know that we got the girls each a little something to open the night before.  As you can tell Rylee and Tenley seem quite mesmorized by their gifts.

I do remember that Morgan had her preschool Valentine's Day party that same week.  They decorated their own bags and we spent all week writing out all her classmates Valentine's cards.  I'm proud to say that she did them all herself!

This poor girl has the longest (and most difficult) last name in the class. My poor children.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


As most of you know, wrestling is a big part of our family.  The winter was so crazy we hadn't had a chance to make it to any matches until February.  This was also the first time Tenley had gone as a toddler.  Taking three kids to watch wrestling all day long is no joke. Kudos to my mom who did it for many years, by herself.  Luckily our older two are entertained by candy.. :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Rylee Selfies

Rylee loves to take our phones. She especially loves looking at and taking pictures.  I can't tell you how many times I've gotten my phone back and found tons of selfies.  This set of pictures was particularly entertaining.

I love this kid.