Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Rylee's 1st Day of Preschool

This year we get to celebrate two "First Day of Schools".  Rylee starts preschool this year and in theory she was very excited.  I knew she would be a little hesitant when we actually got there and she had to get out herself.  Rylee definitely likes to scope a situation out before she jumps in.  She usually wants Paul or me to be there while she is doing her scoping.  This was obviously not going to be possible at preschool.  She was so excited until we pulled up and she had to get out of the car without me.  She shed some tears but the update I got later was that she was totally fine once she got up the stairs. I can't get over how cute she looked on her very 1st day!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Morgan's 1st Day of Kindergarten

As of today, I officially have a Kindergartener.  Morgan was so excited to start school and more importantly, ride the bus.  Field has all day Kindergarten, (at least for now, not sure what will happen if the damn levy doesn't pass soon!) so Morgan is gone all day, every day. It's hard to believe she's old enough to venture out on her own.  I'll admit, I was equal parts excited for her to start school as well.  She is super excited to learn to read and make all sorts of new friends. I can't wait to see all that she will accomplish this year!