Wednesday, August 31, 2011

8/31/11: 25 Weeks, 1 Day

How far along? 25w

Total weight gain/loss: 11 lbs total

Maternity clothes? Same ole, same ole.  Cooler weather is coming though folks.

Stretch marks? Nope!

Sleep:  I have not been able to get into any kind of deep sleep at all this week.  It blows.

Best moment this week:  GD free!

Food cravings:  I haven't gotten it, but I keep seeing those damn all you can eat pasta commercials.

Labor Signs: None yay!

Belly Button in or out? In

Movement: All.the.time.  She's a lot more active than her sisters.

What I miss: Regular bathroom habits. Nothing is like it was pre-pregnancy.

What I am looking forward to:  Some GL Oktoberfest come December!  I'm not sharing either.

Weekly WTF:  Umm, where did summer go?

Nesting madness: Hey you saw the binders!

Weekly Wisdom: Kids need a lot of crap...

Milestones:  We are approaching double digits, folks!

8/30/11: Morgan's first trip to the dentist!

Morgan had her first trip to the dentist today.  She was very excited (which kind of surprised me to be honest) and couldn't wait to go in. Until of course, we actually got back in the room.  She got a little scared and started crying when we first got back there and they asked her to get in the chair.  With a little help from mom, she hopped in the chair and let them start cleaning away.  She was such a good little girl, I was so stinkin proud of her.  She did everything the lady asked and eventually started enjoying herself.  Afterwards she got to pick a toy out of the treasure chest. She picked a little blue car.  What a big girl she is!

8/29/11: Watermelon

Holla!  Our first watermelon of the season!

8/28/11: Binder Mania

I realize the above pictures may seem a little overboard on the organizing front.  I implore you to remember 2 things. 1) I'm very close to my 3rd trimester, nesting started a long time ago and 2) Organizing makes me happy and peaceful.

I ordered these binders to get somethings in order in our household.  First you will see the Holiday Planner.  This is mostly for my sanity this Christmas since baby #3 will be arriving smack dab in the middle of it.  I'm trying to get as prepared as possible so I don't lose my marbles come December. The next two binders were ideas I got off Pinterest.  The coupon organizer is a place that Paul and I can organize and keep all our coupons and just take with us when one of us goes shopping.  The family binder is going to be an emergency binder of sorts along with our every day life.  Bills, kids information, calendar, addresses, holidays, preschool, meal planning etc.  You name it I'm putting a section in for it.  My goal is to have these 3 binders plus my recipe binder done before #3 arrives.  Wish me luck!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

8/27/11: Randolph Fair - Family Fun Day!

Morgan has been begging us to go to the fair since Tuesday.  She was dying to ride "the dragon" roller coaster again.  We had promised Kelly and Mack that we would meet up with them today so off we went.  We bought Morgan and Mack unlimited ride passes and after a little bit of prodding and watching Morgan, Mack finally went on some rides.  Morgan would have been perfectly fine riding rides all day long but the rest of us also wanted to see the animals and get some food!  Plus, Rylee did not want to sit around and watch her all day.  I don't blame her. It was hot.

We managed to fit in rides, food, and animals with only a slight resistance from Morgan when it was time to leave. I'm not sure who the fair wore out more, me or the kids, but 2 of the 3 of us fell asleep in the car on the way home.

8/26/11: Thome is my Homie

This man?  He's back folks and wearing the good ole Tribe uniform again.  This may rival the day 4 years ago when the Indians so graciously gifted me (for my birthday) with the return of Kenny Lofton.  Maybe I'm jaded at this point but I welcome the return of Jim Thome with open arms. It's become the Indians MO to lose the big time guys at the end of the day because the Dolans are too cheap to pay anyone or sign them to a long term contract.  I digress.  Good ole Jimbo makes me nostalgic for the days of the 90s and keeps my glimmer of hope alive that maybe, just maybe the Tribe still has some magic in them this season.  If not, at least my daughters got to see him in Tribe gear one more time just like I did so many years ago. 

On a side note for this day, I'd like to apologize to any of Morgan's future teachers.  A few days ago my dear husband Paul said "horsecrap" which of course Morgan repeated.  My parents, myself and the girls had gone to the Parade of Homes in Green tonight and on the way home disaster struck. My mother a former teacher encouraged Morgan to tell my father the former teacher that it was horsecrap that he couldn't lock Rylee's door.  If she ever repeats this in your classroom, you only have Kathy Graham to blame.  

8/25/11: 24 Weeks 2 Days

How far along? 24w

Total weight gain/loss: 10 lbs total

Maternity clothes? Hoping the weather cools off here sometime soon (but not much!) so I can wear some of my fall maternity.

Stretch marks? Nope!

Sleep: Hasn't been stellar this week. I'm still doing it on the regular but it just isn't a very good sleep.

Best moment this week:  Viability baby!

Food cravings: The fair was this week.  Need I say more?

Labor Signs: No, just annoying Braxton Hicks.

Belly Button in or out? In

Movement: Directly to the bladder, YAY!  (insert sarcasm)

What I miss: This week?  A decent night sleep.

What I am looking forward to:  Watching all 3 of my girls together for the first time.

Weekly WTF:  It would have been great if my OB's office would have given me the heads up on my glucose test first thing at my appt this week.  Nothing like sucking down a nasty drink and hanging out with your 2 kids for an hour.

Nesting madness: On like donkey kong.

Weekly Wisdom: I'm fresh out of wisdom, this baby has sucked it all from me.

Milestones:  Viability! 

8/24/11: The Polar Express

Your probably wondering why I would be posting about a Christmas movie in August.  Although I do have Christmas and the planning aspect on my mind with my impending bundle of joy on the way, it's a little early even for me to watch Christmas movies.  Morgan on the other hand, begs to differ with me.  I've watched this movie no less than 15 times this week.  She's lucky I'm such a fan of Christmas and I allow such antics.

8/23/11: Randolph Fair - Derby Day!

Ah yes, the Randolph Fair.  Every year for the past 4-5 years, Kristy and I head into Randolph on the first night its open to watch the demolition derby with a bunch of our friends Jimmy, Amanda, Erin, Danny, and Nikki, plus a few others. 
This year, Kristy wasn't feeling the derby while being 24ish weeks pregnant. So, since Morgan had just spent the entire afternoon at the fair riding rides, why not take her back with me to watch the derby? 

The only thought that crossed my mind was whether or not it would be too loud for her, seeing how most of them go with dual stacks sticking straight out of their engine. 

Morgan, however, surprised me and loved it! She yelled with the crowd during each round's countdown with "5, 4, 3, 2, 1, GO!"

The second of two fires that we had to sit through.

We spent 2 hours at the derby, and would have stayed even longer had it not been so late with the 1 hour delay starting and the 30 minutes it took for the two gas leaks to burn off the track.  I asked Morgan to stand against the fence before we left to take a picture. Just as I pushed the button, she went from smiling to this face, to which some lady walked behind me and said "Oh what a ham."  Ham, sure, we'll go with that!

8/22/11: Great Lakes Oktoberfest

We headed into the CLE for the zoo with the girls, and I just had to get some GLO or for those of you not into Great Lakes beer, Great Lakes Oktoberfest (GLO).  So hopefully, one sentence in, you realize that it is Paul writing this and not thee el prego Kristy. It has been three weeks since the GLO has been out, having supposedly hit store shelves on Aug 1.  The problem is, their summer beer, Holy Moses Pale Ale, was still packing most store shelves around the Kent area.  Rumors that GLO was at the Giant Eagle in Salem, but I wasn't about to head out to Salem for a shot at maybe a 6 pack.  I knew it would take about a week to 10 days for it to make it onto store shelves in Kent, so when it was the second week of August I went on the hunt.  I was hitting all the good spots in Kent, stopping at Bottles 101 and Riverside in Kent a few times, not to mention a good half dozen trips to several Giant Eagles.

The problem was, all the Great Lakes beer fans knew Oktoberfest was out, so none of them wanted to buy the Holy Moses, which, I found out, had to sell out of stores before those stores would get a supply of the GLO.

Knowing we were headed to the zoo, I grabbed the $40 gift card my sister Mindy got us for Christmas a few years ago. The trip to the zoo paid off. The girls got to see a few wild animals, plus the ones at the zoo (ha-ha), and I came home with 24 Oktoberfests, 6 of them being Kristy's for when she is no longer prego.

Although not my favorite, which is Christmas Ale hands down, Oktoberfest is one of my top three faves from Great Lakes.

8/21/11: Double Rainbow

We had the fortune of seeing a double rainbow today.  Completely beautiful!!

8/20/11: Cleveland Zoo

Today we headed out to the Cleveland Zoo with the soon to be Richmond family and Grandma Kathy.  It was pretty hot and a lot of walking.  I'm not sure about anyone else but I was whooped when this day was over.  Not much to say, I think you know how the zoo goes.  We walked, we saw some animals, we went home.  Well I take that back, we made a pit stop at Great Lakes Brewery for some Oktoberfest and then we ate some late lunch/early dinner at Rocknes. The girls had a great day and loved seeing all the animals!