Sunday, September 16, 2012

Ohio Football Fever!

Other than what I'm typing this is going to a be a pretty wordless post.  
The girls just wanted to show off their Ohio Pride!

1st Day of Preschool! (Again!)

Morgan started her second year of preschool this week. She has been so pumped that she is in "the four year old" class.  She literally asked me for a week double checking that she was in the "big kid" class.  She was so excited to go back to school and let's be honest so was I.  Towards the end of the summer I was getting desperate for them to be back in a routine.  She was also all about the fact that she gets to bring lunch this year which meant she got to pick out a lunch box. You can't tell but it's Disney Princess. Both Paul and I took her to school that morning and Rylee came along for the ride because she was so super pissed when we went to leave. She was enraged when we got to school and she found out that she wasn't going and only Morgan was going in.  Only one more year kid, one more.

I clearly had a problem decided which sign to take a picture with so I just made her do them with all of them.

A couple of pictures with her little sisters before we took off. Tenley thinks this whole situation is absolutely hilarious. Morgan on the other hand appears to be getting more annoyed as time goes on. Rylee?  Well she's just being Rylee.

Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you Morgan! Here is to another year of learning and fun!

Tenley Quinn: 9 months + LOTID

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9 months old. 3 more months until One Year.  I really should start party planning. Wow. T is just so entertaining these days I can hardly stand it.  She is crawling and standing/cruising on the furniture. I mean like all.the.time.  If there were baby Olympics for that sort of thing, she would definitely have her training in. We definitely have to chase her more often than not but she is also able to play with her sisters a LOT more now.  That definitely keeps her entertained for longer periods of time.

She is and has been eating all table food now. So much to the extent that she is PISSED and I mean pissed when you have something to eat and she doesn't. She pretty much stares and yells until you either share or get her her own. She usually wins.

Food - even if most of it ends up on the floor.
Playing with her big sisters

Being picked up by Morgan
Not eating with everyone else

She also appears to have a knack for falling asleep whenever and wherever. So cute!  This was taken the day after she turned 9 months which also happened to be her Longer Out Than In Day! Yay T!

Labor Day in PIB

My siblings and I plus our significant others went to PIB for Labor Day weekend.  It was a nice way to officially end summer. I didn't take hardly any pictures and we didn't do a whole lot worth blogging about.  The pictures below are the ones I did get..

Exhibit #1 - The fan that was supposedly broken when the boys stayed in PIB for the Bachelor Party.  They kept $250 dollars security from then.  Almost two months later it's still not fixed. 

YOLO = Weekend theme.

Kelly being ridiculous.

Corey acting like Kelly.

Thanks Greg.

Okay this girl spent the whole weekend at what I would call an adult themed pool with her two kids. She looks a lot like one of Kelly's friends. Someone, somehow got this picture with my phone, but it wasn't me.

The quick run down went like this:

We went to the pool.
We went to the bars.
We went out to eat.
We rented a golf cart.
The boys rented mopeds.
Keith and Melissa came.
We visited Greg's Aunt and Uncle
Some people threw up.
Shenanigans were had by all.
The end.

Warrior Dash 2012

The last Saturday in August Paul and I ran the Warrior Dash.  This race was so much fun even though I totally wiped out in the beginning.  We got down to Clay's Park and picked up all of our stuff and got ready to run.  It was HOT.  My cousin ran in the heat about an hour before us so she came over with some tips.  One of them was that the first part of the race was really tight.  The other was that since we didn't have shoes with great traction to be careful because there were a lot of rocks jutting out of the path.

I totally took that and made a mental note.  The minute we started I realized she was right.  We didn't even get to actually run until 1/4 mile into it because we just kept starting and stopping.  Then it finally opened up but I did see how much crap was on the trail. So what did I proceed to do? Catch my foot on one of the rocks and completely ate it. I cut my hand, my arm, and by my knee. Since my face had met the dirt I also got to see that there was broken glass all around.  Lucky for me, I didn't cut myself on any of that.

We continued on through the climbing and jumping obstacles and got to the water ones. I'm really shocked at how many people do not know how or have a fear of swimming. I'm talking grown men panicking. We only had to actually swim swim for like 20 seconds. I swear more than half the people around us freaked out. Strange.

I'd also like to add that this race is not designed with the short person in mind.  Paul had no problem with certain obstacles while I had maneuver in order to hop over or climb, etc.

Here we are after the finish!

A man and his turkey leg. Also? Another man photo bombing.

Towards the end of the course I looked next to me and saw a girl that looked familiar. I pulled Paul aside and he confirmed that it was Duji from Rovers Morning Glory.  Also, please notice the man in the Borat type thong on the left. 

This race was awesome minus the heat, the broken glass, and the tight spot in the beginning.  I would definitely do it again but I would shoot for a morning time slot instead of the afternoon so I could spend some time enjoying the atmosphere afterwards. It's nice every once in a while to mix in a fun race where you aren't worried about time.  Hopefully I'll get to do it again next year!

Randolph Fair: Daddy-Daughter Derby Day

Its time for the fair! Its that fun time when we all get to shove our faces full of greasy, fatty food, pet some dirty animals, and stare at Portage County's finest residents. 

For the past several years, Kristy and I would go to the fair on the first night with a group of friends and watch the demolition derby.  But with the addition of more kids to our family, the tradition has changed a bit. Last year, it was just Morgan and me who went to the demo derby. It was a hit, so I thought it would be fun that Mo, Ry, and I went while Kristy and T stayed home.

Morgan and Rylee each picked out their favorite car. Morgan, of course, picked the pink car, which ended up winning. Not quite sure what car Rylee picked, because she cheered for any crash she saw.

Morgan loved it as she did last year, however, Rylee had a serious case of A.D.D. and didn't pay attention. Instead, she kicked both bottles of water and her shoes underneath the bleachers, insisted on sitting in my lap, and occasionally gave the teenage girl in front of her a nice kick to the kidneys.

I did get them ice cream (for a buck!) during one of the many breaks.

This was pretty cool. One of the trucks drove on top of another truck and flipped on it's side. This was all Morgan talked about the rest of the night was how the "big truck" flipped over.

On Friday, I was out of work a bit early so we took the girls to the fair before Kristy and I left for Put-in-Bay. The picture above is us on the extremely old and shaky Ferris wheel, which I will never ride again.

This year, Rylee was able to get on some of the big kid rides, so they took full advantage of their wrist bands to ride the dragon ride over and over again.