Saturday, January 19, 2013

Wow -- I'm incredibly behind/Grandma's Birthday

I think saying I'm behind is quite the understatement.  I'm going to post this in January when it actually happened but I think we all know it's July.  JULY.  Life/work has been incredibly busy in 2013 but we still have plenty of things to share!!!  I'm attempting to catch up over the next few weeks and get back on track. Plus my faithful readers Ashley and Mindy have

I'm ashamed to even admit this but I took like 10 pictures the entire month of January 2013. I normally take hundreds of pictures each month.  I figure it's the only way I'll actually remember anything we did.  Needless to say, other than relying ye ole trust Google Calendar, I have no idea what we did most of January.  I'm going to assume it was cold and we were recovering from the holiday craziness.

One thing I know for sure happened in January was that my wonderful mother turned 60!  Can you believe it? Most people don't, but I swear I tell the truth.  I say she doesn't look a day over 58. :)  Another thing I remember clearly is that my parents went to Punta Cana for a week in January.  I had to suffer in the cold while they drank pina coladas.  They came back right before my mom's birthday so sometime that weekend we all headed to visit.  

The pictures above were all I managed from that day.  I'm guessing there was cake, the girls got presents from Punta Cana and I'm sure everyone had a great time.

Happy Birthday Mom/Grandma!!!