Monday, April 29, 2013

Baby makes SIX!

Let me see if I can answer all the questions I get.

-Yes, we know how babies are made
-Yes, this baby was planned
-No, we are/were not trying to have a boy...we are/were trying to have a BABY.
-No, I have no idea whether we will have more after this or when either one of us will have some sort of permanent procedure.

When in doubt, a simple Congratulations will do. :)  Most of you are on top of that, for that I say Thank you! :)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Last Day of Gymnastics

Today marked Morgan's last day of gymnastics and also her last day in the Gymsters class.  Next year she will move up to the Mini Flips which she is very excited about. For now, she got one last chance to show off her Gymster skills to the whole family.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Opening Day! Go Tribe!

This year marks the 7th year in a row that Paul and I have attended the Indians Home Opener! This year we brought Morgan and Rylee with us since the game was on a Monday and we didn't have plans to stay in Cleveland like we usually do.  I was thankful for good weather, great seats and the return of baseball!

Friday, April 5, 2013

The one where Morgan ends up in the hospital

Towards the end of winter, our house was hit by the flu. BAD. Thankfully for me, I was the only one who did not end up with a nasty bug. Morgan started out with it, Rylee ended up with it a few days later, and a few days after that Tenley ended up with it.  It was basically miserable, especially since I am no fan of the throw-up.  Shortly after Tenley got over her bout and a day after Paul got over his, Morgan didn't feel good again. I stayed home with her thinking she was just having a slight relapse since she was run down.  She basically slept all day, wouldn't eat and every time she had a sip of water she would throw it up. By the time the afternoon rolled around I was getting a little worried about dehydration and called the nurse to get an idea of what else I could be doing.  She suggested we head to Akron Childrens to get checked out and to get some fluids in Morgan.

Morgan in the Emergency Room

Once we got there they checked her out and got her IV started. She was most definitely dehydrated and all we could do was see how she would react.  For about ten minutes she perked up and I thought the fluids had really helped her.  It didn't last long though and she was back to being pretty lethargic.  By about 11:30 that night they made the decision to admit her to a room upstairs.  Poor thing didn't really eat or bounce back in any way until about 48 hours later when she was finally discharged. 

Here she is after she was told she could finally go home.  She wasn't a huge fan of the hospital as you can tell. That is an experience I hope we do not have to repeat any time soon.