Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween 2013

The week or so before Halloween is always crazy. We have school parties, trick or treat, boo at the zoo, etc. etc. etc.  Here is a recap of the Halloween season.

This year since I was like 38 weeks pregnant there wasn't much I could really do.  I worked at our Homecoming football game for the Levy Committee the night before we were to go to Boo at the Zoo.  Bad idea.  I came home after the game and could barely move.  Thankfully Paul is a trooper and took the kids in the rain and on his birthday without me.  Also thanks to Ashley who went along on the trip to help out!

Our next stop on the Halloween train took us to Dussel Farm to get our pumpkins.  We always go every year and get the obligatory pictures.  Some of us cooperate. Some of us don't.

That week the girls friend Milyn came over to carve pumpkins with them.

The Thursday before Halloween was Rylee's party at school.  I was able to go with Doc McStuffins that day.  She still acts pretty shy if I'm in the room and did not want to play the game they had set up.  She did partake in the dessert portion of the party though. :)

That weekend was Trick or Treat.  Another event I wasn't really able to participate in since I was not going to walk around the neighborhood at 38 weeks pregnant.  Ashley and Corey came over to help out and along with their help, Paul took the kids to all the houses.  Thankfully this year it was not raining and freezing like it is most years.

Finally during my many trips to L&D, Morgan had her Fall Festival at school.  I was scheduled to go but due to my circumstances, Paul ended up going for a little bit in the morning with her.  Kindergartners don't get to dress up in their costumes but they can dress up as farmers.  Morgan was not happy about that at first but warmed up to the idea when she found out she could have braids in her hair.

All in all this year was very fun and very tiring (for mommy at least).

Friday, October 25, 2013

Baby Boy: 38 Weeks

How far along? 38 weeks

Total weight gain/loss: 25 lbs.  

Maternity clothes? As noted by the picture above, I've given up on fashion and opted for comfortable

Stretch marks? Least of my problems lately.

Sleep: There is hardly any.  I've never had insomnia before and it sucks.  Every time I get up to pee I swear I'm awake for at least another hour.

Best moment this week: 2cm dilated! Yippee!

Food cravings:  Yuck.

Labor Signs: Stupid, annoying, non-productive contractions.

Belly Button in or out? Out

Movement: Somehow, someway he's still is at it.

What I miss: My pelvis being correctly aligned. Ouch.

What I am looking forward to:  BIRTH.

Weekly WTF: 4 kids. 4 kids in two weeks or so. Yikes!

Nesting madness: This house would be a hot mess if not for Paul.

Weekly Wisdom: I'm too tired to be wise.

Milestones: I'm still at work.  That is a milestone in itself.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Gymnastics: Observation Week

The month of October is always so busy.  Between work, Halloween parties, Trick or Treat, birthdays, being massively pregnant and school, there isn't much time for anything else.  Except that we have gymnastics too!  This week was observation for both of the girls (and Mackenzie) so we got to peek in and see what they have been working on.  I'm so proud of both of them.  Morgan has really improved since she started a few years ago. I'm amazed at all she can do now.  Rylee was nervous to even go in when she first started and would cry at times.  Now she runs around with her friends and really enjoys herself.  Here are some pictures of both of them!