Saturday, February 11, 2012

Snow Day

I think we've been really lucky in NE Ohio this year as we've only had a few big snows.  I'm enjoying it since I started running again and the warmer weather and clear roads make it a lot easier.  The girls however have been waiting to play in the snow. This was the day they got their chance.

All ready to go!


Morgan poses for the camera like it's her job. 

Tenley chose to stay in near the fire and rep the Tribe.  Plus she got to spend some one on one time with Mommy!

Miss T :)

A few weeks after Tenley was born we had some newborn photos taken with the fabulous Tami Keehn of Tamarie Photography.   She rules and has been taking pictures of our girls/family since Morgan was a baby.   A lot of you may have seen some of these pictures on the announcement that took me over 7 hours to design since I just couldn't decide which ones to use.  I wanted to use them all!

She loves her lil sis "Ten" as she calls her.

My three beauties.

Umm how did she get so damn big?  I remember when she was Tenley's size and I was so overwhelmed and thought I had no time to do anything. The other day a friend told me that her Grandma used to say "If one kid takes up all your time, how could five take up anymore?"  I completely agree and will now use that argument to convince Paul to have 5 children. LOL.

This picture is totally descriptive of their personalities.

Ahhh! I can't get over how cute she is!

One of my ultimate favorites!!! Baby butts!

I really wish I had her eyelashes. 

Rylee seems so much bigger all of a sudden. Everyone in this family but Paul is going to have so much fun when they are teenagers!

Thanks Tami!!!

Last few days at home

Since I only took about 7-8 weeks of time off work, we tried to make the most of it! We spent this day just lounging around together and having a photoshoot!

Isn't she the cutest?

How annoyed does she look?  I don't blame her, you cannot set her on the floor without the older two getting right in her face.  When I say right in her face, I literally mean inches from her. Oh and they are loud.  I have no idea where they get that. ;)

Morgan and Rylee, contemplating life. It's rough being 3.5 and 20 months.

On a side note, no one feel sorry that I had to go back to work.  Don't get me wrong I love my kids and I miss them when I'm at work but I love being a working mom.  It's just what works for me.  I don't cry when I go back to work and I don't spend all day wishing I could be at home.  Are they days when I'd like to spend the day with them? Sure.  I love my job though and it truly makes me a better mom to work.  So those of you giving me the sad face when you see me and ask me how I'm doing now that I'm back at work, you don't need to.  I get the best of both worlds and I'm firing on all cylinders.  I definitely become more efficient and effective when in chaos. I actually enjoy the chaos. Hence, why I'm not done having children. :)

**Nothing above is meant to say anything bad about SAHMs.  God Bless you, for you are better women than me. Every mom has to do what is best for them and their family.

One Month Old!

Not sure which months are worse to take, the first couple or the last couple of that first year.  It's either they can't sit up or they don't want to sit still.

Even in this picture it's as if she's mocking us. Like HA! The minute you remove your hand I'm just going to fall over in a fit over laughter!

Much like my pregnancy with her the time is really flying by. It's still hard to believe I have 3 kids. (I don't know if it's because her birthday is the 8th but instead of 3 I almost wrote 8 kids. I hope that isn't an omen.) Tenley reminds me so much of Morgan as a baby, they look almost identical. She's such an easy baby that mainly eats and sleeps.  I am super fortunate to have the best sleepers ever.  She started sleeping through the night at about 2 weeks.  Another plus for having a big baby.  At her one month check up she weighed 10 lbs 2 oz. and was 22 inches long.  She checked out perfectly!  I even took all three kids and it wasn't a complete disaster!

The girls are still the best helpers ever and love their baby sister. I wonder when the novelty will wear off?  Hopefully never because Paul and I need their help at times.

Of course they still love each other or hate each other, you know depending on the minute of the day.

Maybe next year...

Every year Paul's work gives away tickets to a ton of sporting events, museums, etc.  This year Paul got 2 tickets in the Dawg Pound to the Browns Steelers game on New Years Day.  I was so excited because last year we had Cavs playoff tickets and they never made it to that round and our consolation prize was Disney on Ice.  Which of course, the girls  loved but isn't really what Paul and I were looking forward to. This was also going to be our first time out after the baby and I was really looking forward to it.

We invited Corey and Ashley to join us and they were able to scalp some tickets for pretty cheap right near us.  Since it was so cold we actually got to sit right next to each other since I'm guessing some people stayed at home. 

During the first Browns/Steelers game of this season I was craning my head to see the game around the nurse while simultaneously pushing out Tenley.  People are right, once you have your third the whole birthing process is old hat. As you can see from the above picture I didn't have to crane my head too much this time! Also, contrary to what I think should happen while giving birth they do not in fact sell beer at the hospital or let you have it in your IV.

We stopped to get some blankets and garbage bags (it was rain/snowing) at CVS before we headed to the stadium. This was on display near the register.  If you look close you can see that Big Willie Style values up to $12.99.  I would have to agree if it was 1997.