Sunday, April 22, 2012

Black Squirrel 5K

This is the only picture I have and that's only because Paul took it. Today we both ran our first race of 2012 and my first race since having Tenley. I've been running quite a bit in my quest to both lose weight and because I signed up for the Cleveland 10K in May.  I am at least happy to say it's been working and I'm down 20 lbs since going back to work three months ago and about 50 since having Tenley!

Anyway, this was a horrible race for me for the most part.  It's been over a year since I actually did a race.  I will say that I finished that race in 36+ so I cut about a minute and a half off my time since then.  I started out way to fast and did the first mile in about 10:36 or so.  I was still doing good at the 2nd mile marker. Then is when I really slowed down.  I was tired and that last mile was all uphill which did not help. Hey, I beat everyone on the couch and even some people in the race! Haha. It was more or less to get some legs under me before Cleveland which I know it going to be 10,000 times crazier.  Wish me luck!

Paul of course finished with minimal training in 24 minutes. Bastard.

Happy Easter and 4 months!

Happy Easter everyone!! 
Here are some shots of the girls baskets before the Easter Bunny hid them.

I really love PBK.

Morgan finding her eggs. Note the Christmas pajamas.  
We are really on top of things over here in the Stoicoiu household

Showing Tenley her egg.

This is the best.picture.ever.

Miss T. :)


In other fascinating news, Tenley is four months old today!!

She is the sweetest little girl.  She loves to stick her tongue out and be entertained by her big sisters.  She rolls over even though we hardly give her any opportunities to be on the floor.  Mostly because Morgan and Rylee are on her the second she hits the floor. They don't grasp the concept of back up yet.

She loves loves loves playing in her bouncer and is still my good little sleeper.  We had a bit of a rough patch with her getting a double ear infection and bronchiolitis at the end of March.  She had to be put on the nebulizer and given some antibiotics and steroids but she responded really well. Thankfully she is a ton better and more comfortable now.

We've also reached the shrieking phase where she's discovered her own voice.  It's cute, if it doesn't last too long. ;)  She smiles and coos all the time and it is the stinkin cutest. I can't believe she's such a big girl already!

It's just not possible to leave them out of a picture session. They won't allow it.

Later that day we headed to my Mom's for Easter dinner.  
After dinner we decided to head back and take a hike in the woods

Walking sticks. Never leave home without them.

Pass the kid over the creek almost ended badly when Mackenzie wouldn't let go of Paul.

Greg should join the circus and do tight-rope walking.

Senior Pics. 

More daredevil moves from Greg

Look how cute I am!

Egg Hunt: Take Two + Decorating Eggs

Easter Hunt: Take Two = Epic Fail.

In the morning we had to go meet up with Morgan's TBall team to get her sized for a uniform and meet the other kids.  It took a little longer than expected and we had to race to Fred Fuller Park in Kent.  My sister and Mom were already there with Mackenzie so we kept checking with them to see if it had started yet.  Well, we missed it.  Apparently it didn't even last more than 5 minutes anyway.  Maybe next year... 

We figured since we were already there we might as well stand in line to have our pictures taken with the Easter Bunny.  I've actually never done this with the kids since I find the Easter Bunny to be a little creepy and after the melt downs with Santa in years past, I figured it wasn't worth it.

Everyone waiting in line.  It was so nice out that day!

Mackenzie with Mr. Bunny.

Rylee officially hates the Easter Bunny with the fire of a million burning suns.

So if you pretend I only have two kids, this picture turned out great! ;)

Still not a fan.

Later that evening Morgan and Rylee colored some eggs for Mr. Bunny.  They get so excited and then lose interest pretty fast.  They just don't have time to wait for the damn eggs to sit in the color. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "Are they done yet!?", I'd be rich.

I think the egg Morgan is doing she insisted we put Aunt Mindy's name on.

Who wants to put stickers on the eggs when you can put them on your arms!?

Saturday, April 21, 2012

It's Tribe Time Now!

Today is the day I've been waiting for since last October.  Baseball is back! More importantly Tribe baseball is back!  This day is like having another birthday during the year and it marks the 6th year in a row that Paul and I have attended the home opener.

This year we were without Kelly and Greg aka Hulk. :(  The Super Six became the Fab Four. Still, a good time was had by all!

I can hardly contain myself.

We assumed the traditional position in Centerfield by the bar.  It was a nice day until the sun went away and then it got a bit chilly.  Had we finished the game off in the 9th like we should have we would not have encountered the cold but alas we couldn't close it out and headed to extra innings.  Extra innings in which we of course lost. :(  I'll be honest, I wanted to stay but we were so damn cold and my cousin Allison was waiting for us across the street, so we left around the 14th.

A little out of place in this post, but here is the view from our hotel room! We headed back here after a nice dinner and drinks at Great Lakes with Allison.

The kids spent the night at my parents and as you can guess they always get in the opening day spirit as well! I'm raising little baseball lovers. It's a toss up in the house between Slider and Brutus.

Go Tribe!  2012 is our year!  If not, there's always next year!