Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

Every year we have a Thanksgiving Eve party.  Last year I thought it might be the last one in this house.  Turns out I was wrong.  This year for sure will be the last year in this house because we plan to start  building this spring.  Every year I also make a mental note that I didn't take pictures the year before and this year was no different.  Also no different is the fact that I forgot to take pictures. Again. Let me tell you like I do every other year is that we had tons of fun and got to see friends we hadn't seen in a while.  The kids get to tear up our basement and act like wild animals. I don't know about your kids, but that is my kids' favorite pastime.  

The next day we headed to my parents for Thanksgiving.  It's a nice relaxing day of eating, laying around and watching football.  I didn't but I think it would have been acceptable to wear my sweatpants.  Maybe next year.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Newborn Pictures

About a week after Beckett was born we had newborn/Christmas/Tenley is two pictures scheduled.  A few of my friends had pictures taken by Janet Miller Photography before and I was eager to try her out for our newborn pictures.  I've known Janet since our oldest were born, since hers is only a few months younger than Morgan.  She recently over the past few years started her own photography and had mentioned her loved of doing newborn shoots.  Seemed liked a perfect fit!

I was more than impressed with Janet before, during and after our session.  She was so great with the kids during our shoot and paid such attention to each detail. She came with so many ideas and props that were really cute. I really appreciated it.  The girls loved her and would not stop talking to her. When I got the email with the previews I was so excited. I think she totally captured our little (err big) family.  The biggest surprise I received was a package in the mail from Janet. I was expecting just a CD of our images and instead this huge package arrived at the door.  I opened the package to find that Janet had created a custom designed storyboard with some of our favorite photos. I was completely blown away.

I HIGHLY recommend Janet Miller Photography if you are looking for a family photographer!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Cinderella Ball

Every year our middle school PTA puts on a Cinderella Ball for girls K-6.  Morgan was so excited that she would be able to go this year.  I was a little nervous because the dance was scheduled for the day after my due date.  I had no idea if we would be at home still pregnant, at the hospital or at home with a newborn.  This made planning difficult.  They have a lot of things you can do before hand like a horse and carriage ride and I just couldn't commit to much more than the dance.  I wasn't sure if Paul would have the time (if we happened to be at the hospital) to do everything.

As it turns out, we happened to be home with a newborn.  It was good timing to, because we had been home with him long enough that things weren't in complete chaos.  Just 98% chaos.  Morgan got all fancied up (and so did Daddy) and after some picture taking, they were on their way.  Now, I wasn't there but from what Paul tells me, it was just as you would imagine.  There were hundreds of little girls running around yelling Katy Perry songs while their Dads all stood there and watched. Most of them were probably playing on their phones while pretending not to stare at the HS girl dressed as Cinderella.

They had a bunch of little stations set up like a Fairy Godmother, getting your picture taken trying on a glass slipper, cutouts, etc.  A bunch of HS girls (as mentioned above) all were dressed as Disney Princesses and Morgan got her picture with all of them too.  She even got her picture taken with her teacher (after a little pushing from Paul)!  She talked about it forever after that and is super excited to go back next year!!  Paul can't wait until he has three dates to the ball!