Sunday, July 15, 2012


This has been one of those things that has just gotten away from me over the years.  Paul and I don't regularly attend church and I wasn't sure how I felt about it at first.  I want the girls to have their own religious freedoms and do what they feel comfortable with.  I went back on forth on whether to let them choose if they would be Baptized/Christened or not and finally we decided it was important enough to us to have it done while they were children.  If they grow up and have different beliefs and choose a different path, We're totally okay with that. Mackenzie hadn't been baptized yet either so we decided instead of holding four different "ceremonies" we would do it all at once for everyone involved.  It was such a nice day for our family and I'm glad we came to this decision.

Morgan being baptized.

Mackenzie's turn.

Rylee.  Who I thought might freak, but actually did very well.

Big T.

Aren't they super cute in their little white dresses?

Morgan with her Godparents: Aunt Kelly and Uncle Greg

Rylee with her Godparents: Aunt Mindy and Aunt Calli

Tenley with her Godparents: Aunt Ashley and Uncle Corey. (She is clearly thrilled with this idea.)

One with her awake.

Paul and I were honored to have Mackenzie as our Goddaughter.

Everyone after Church.

All three big girls.  We are all so blessed!

Tenley Quinn: 7 months!

Ack! Summer is halfway over. Also? Mah baybee is 7 months!

T is full of personality.  She is really getting into making faces these days as you can tell above.  She also has some pretty wild and crazy hair. I really love that she is at the age where she can interact with everyone.  She loves kid-watching.  She will watch anything the older two are doing and laugh and laugh.  She also finds it hilarious to wiggle around while you try to change her diaper.  I on the other hand, do not. Now that she is fully stable sitting on her own she enjoys being on the same level as the big girls.  She thinks she is super cool.  I love this girl more and more every day!


Food.  In particular anything anyone else is eating.
Playing on the floor.
Pulling Hair


Not eating the minute she is hungry.  Omaigosh the HORROR!
Sleeping with a blanket.  She hates it.  
Not much else..she really is a happy baby!

Heritage Festival 2012

I made the terrible decision of signing Paul and me up for the annual 5K in Kent the day after we got back from vacation.  In my defense I had no way of knowing then that it would be 900 million degrees. We both totally sucked and had to walk part of it because it was just that damn hot.  Plus we had been on vacation all week.  We got our picture with Flash though!  Go Kent!

Afterwards we took the girls downtown to the festival to get some food and then later headed over to watch some Fireworks with Kelly, Greg, and Mackenzie.

I love these two pictures of the girls!

The (now 8) of us have kind of made this a tradition so I was glad we were able to go again this year.  They had initially canceled the fireworks because it's been so dry out this summer. Luckily we got some rain the few days before and they un-canceled them.  The girls love to roll down the big hill and watch the fireworks.  Hopefully next year the first Saturday in July isn't as hot!

Mini-Vaca - St. Pete

Around Morgan's birthday I got a random email from Southwest.  I always get emails from them about deals that are going on.  Paul and I had been going back and forth on what to do over the 4th of July.  We both had Wed-Sun off work and it was the only time this summer that we could plan something long-term with the kids.  First we thought about Kalahari and then nixed that.  Our next plan was to head up to Kelleys Island and we thought that would be a nice family mini-vacation.  Then I got that email and started looking at flights.  Paul's mom moved to Florida a month or so ago and I started looking at flights to Pensacola.  Even with the deals it would be too expensive. Morgan and Rylee love the beach so I took a look in other areas of Florida.  Turns out it was only $160 roundtrip to Tampa Bay.  I gave Paul a call and asked him what he thought and maybe if his sisters wanted to go with us.  Tampa Bay is close to St. Pete which is where a lot of his family on his mom's side lives. I figured we could get good recommendations on where to stay, what to do, etc.  Plus we could meet up with them while we were down there. Once his sisters got back to us, I pulled the trigger.  Tickets for us and one for Mindy.  Paul sent his Aunt Becky a message and she offered for us to stay with her! How nice and awesome for us!  I had never met his Aunt and Uncle before but had heard nothing but good things from both Mindy and Paul.  Come July 3, away we went!

Getting ready for our first take-off!

Just browsing SkyMall.

We had to get up at 4:00 am since our flight left at 7:00 am. 
I figured it wouldn't be long before this happened.  Morgan was really mad when we landed in Florida.  She proclaimed "We are NOT at Grandma Cindys!"  When I told her I knew that but that we were in Florida she followed it up with " I do not see ANYTHING in Florida!"  Duly noted.

Once we landed we took our 800 belongings and headed to our rented mini-van.  I'm not going to lie, there was part of me that liked it.  It was only a 15-20 minute or so drive to his Aunt and Uncle's house, which was nice.  Once we got there we hung out for a little bit before heading over to his Uncle's house.  Like I mentioned most of Paul's moms side lives in the St. Pete/Venice/Tampa Bay area.  His Uncle Bob actually lives a very short distance from his Aunt Becky.  We headed over there for dinner and some swimming on Tuesday night.  Most of Paul's cousins were there and most of them I had never met.  Paul's mom and other sister also made the trip down for a day or two.

The girls got to meet their cousin Connor for the first time. 
Him and Tenley are only about 6 weeks apart.

Paul's Aunt Becky and Uncle Bob were really my kind of people.  We felt so welcome in their home.  They had stuff for the girls to do and had all sorts of things planned for us without making us feel like we were on a schedule. The girls really took to them too which was good since we were spending 4 days there!  On the 4th they took us down to the beach, which Morgan had been talking about forever.

Never trust a swim diaper. It's just not absorbent.  Mindy found that out the hard way.

Nanny Melind and the children.  If she had a British accent it would be perfect.  I do need to point out how much help Mindy was.  We have 3 kids and tons of luggage and 700 million other things going on.  She is so good with the girls and such a help to us.  While we would have been able to do the trip without her, it really helped having her with us!  Thanks Mindy!

Three little beach babes.

Rylee loves the babies. LOVES!

That night we went to the park to watch the fireworks get set off. The girls really enjoyed it. Especially the sparklers.

The next day we headed back to the beach one more time.  It was cut short by some storms but the girls still had fun playing in the sand.

That evening Paul's Aunt and Uncle were nice enough to watch the kids so that his cousins Keith and Kevin could take us out for a bit.  Our first stop was a place with ginormous beers. Kevin may or may not have been hit on and roofied by a man who requested Call Me Maybe on the jukebox. Strange.

This beer was the cause of Mindy's malfunctioning legs.

I did not get to see a Rays game in my quest of nationwide stadium hopping but I did get to snap a few pictures.

We left later Friday night so during the day we did some shopping and ate at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. before heading to the airport. 

The girls HAD to have this done.

Right before we left.  I really can't thank them enough for being such great hosts and letting three small children take over their home for a few days. We will definitely be back to visit.

The plane ride home was interesting to say the least.  We had 8 bags and three carseats, a stroller, and all of our carry-on bags. To get all that stuff checked plus three kids is no easy feat.  We had a connection in Nashville with a limited time window for a layover.  I think it was about a 1/2 hour.  When we went to get our tickets the woman seemed concerned.  We come to find out the flight we are taking of of Tampa is delayed because of storms in New Orleans.  A manager of some sort came over to make some calls. He was calling Nashville to see if they would hold the plane.  I wish I had a picture of all our stuff and us standing there.  The man was talking and literally said.."Well I have a family of....50 here that needs to make that connection."  I almost pissed myself laughing. It very well could have been.  Our plan was to send our bags and see how things went.  As time went on it was getting delayed more and more.  2+ hours at one point. I was certain we were going to send another night in St. Pete.  After all the work of getting our stuff to the airport, we were going to have to do it again!?!  The manager promised us that Nashville said they were holding the flight. I was doubtful.  In the end, they found another plane and we left right on time.  All three kids acted like lunatics from TB to Nashville but finally passed out from Nashville to CLE.  It was so nice to get away even if for a few days!  Thanks to everyone who made that possible!