Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tenley Quinn: Three Months!

Our little peanut is officially an infant! Three months already. We aren't doing a whole lot different these days except smiling a ton more.  Especially when her sisters are getting in trouble.  That really seems to make her laugh and giggle.  Which in turn makes me laugh and giggle. She has done such a good job of going with the flow in our chaotic family. We've traveled twice in the past month, handled her two big sisters, and really was very easy going.  She's much like her older sisters were as babies. Lucky for us!

Three months old deserves a seat in the Bumbo.  It was a hit!

State Wrestling: 2012 Edition

Every year my family and many others descend on Columbus for the annual State Wrestling Tournament.  I know most of you are thinking right now that we are indeed crazy for taking three small children to a three day event like this. Normally I would say you were right but they were the most well behaved children I'd ever seen that weekend.  I couldn't even believe they were mine! This year we were missing the Richmond family but we managed without them.

This rules. Thumbs up Mom and Dad!

People ask me why she won't come out of her shell and I just don't know what to tell them.. ;)

We're doing this again people?

Check it out RG2 in the left hand corner of the big screen.  We tried to call him forever to get him to turn around and wave but he wouldn't pick up. Post hot dog #2 perhaps?*

Saturday: Everyone sporting some Buckeye Love!

..and then there were nine...

The lovebirds, refusing to admit either of them are wrong.

No visit is complete without visiting Brutus.  Morgan visited him about 8 times that weekend.

Someone enjoyed her first Buckeye experience.

Waiting for "the show" (as she called it) to begin

*So my dad gets a media pass every year to take pictures. They also have a media room where they serve food.  The following conversation happened in the car on the way back to the hotel.

RG2: I had a hot dog in the media room, got halfway through and went back to have another.
(lots of conversation in between)
K: Wait, you got halfway through your hotdog and it was so good you went back for another before you finished?
RG2: No, I meant halfway through the wrestling session.

You tell me what you would think after he said the first sentence?

It's Observation Week at Gymnastics

Every other month or so Morgan has observation week at gymnastics where friends and family can come watch.  Usually her class is closed doors.  I understand why when I come to observation week because Morgan has a hard time paying attention to what she's supposed to be doing when there is a room full of people. Especially people she knows.  This week Ashley, Kelly, and Mack came to watch.  Kelly and Mack only made it to the last 10 minutes but hey A for effort.  Next year Mack gets to join Mo in class! 

Everyone getting warmed up.

Practicing our belly bridges.  I'm amazed at Morgan's upper body strength for a 3 year old.


This one just cracks me up!

The bars, Morgan's favorite. She can hold herself up on them all by herself!

Practicing on the beam.  This was towards the end and Morgan was starting to get a little distracted.

Yay Morgan!