Sunday, September 18, 2011

9/14/11: Rylee's 15 Month Well Visit

Rylee's well visit was actually the same day as Morgan's first day of Preschool.  Since I knew I would be waiting a day to blog about it, you actually get two days of pictures.  The first set is actually from the day of her appt. We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa at the school while they were taking some pictures. Rylee and Morgan got to sneak in at the end and have some photo opps.

These are actually from today.  My little toddler who is no longer a baby in any way.  It's amazing how much she's changed and grown in just the past few months. She loves to say cheese, hi, mom, and dad.   She weighed in at 21lbs 14oz and was 32 inches and a few hairs tall.  She weighs a couple pounds less than Morgan did at her age but is the exact same height.  Soon enough I will be the shortest one in this family.  She had to get 3 shots today and was a champ until she burst into tears at the very last one.  It was probably her flu shot and I don't blame her because sometimes those suckers burn.

She is such a good natured, goofy, ornery child that loves to play, fight, and annoy her big sister.  Soon enough she will find out what that is like on the other end.  Most of the time she is cracking us up or dancing around. The girls loves to dance and shakes it anytime she hears some tunes. She's starting to get some hair in the back now and I'm hoping the top and front will soon follow!

Happy 15 months to our little girl!!!

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