Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1/18/11: My laptop

PaulIt sucks. I refuse to buy a new one though since it technically works and I don't want to spend the money on a new one. Some of it's many problems?  I have a random blue strip going down the center of it at all times. Not so good for looking at pictures and things. It randomly goes white all.the.time because something is loose inside. We've even tightened (okay when I say we I mean Paul) it up once and it still does it. The battery no longer works so it always has to be plugged in. Want to know how many new power cords I've had to by in the life of this laptop? Probably 6 or 7.  They always end up fraying or the wires get exposed and it craps out.  Other than those things it works fine as a computer.  Paul bought something on Ebay to fix the whole white screen thing. It came from China today. He attempted to fix it tonight. It did not work...ARGGHHHH!

1 comment:

  1. Our old laptop had to be plugged in AND propped up b/c the screen wouldn't stay up on it's own. It was super klassy.

    And, I almost feel bad for the suckers that actually stole it b/c it was probably the most worthless laptop ever! Serves them right.
