Thursday, June 30, 2011

6/29/11: Ch Ch Ch Chia!!!

(*Note, this post is originally from Paul's blog under the Chia Seeds page)

No, this article is NOT about the Chia Pet, however, it is about Chia seeds.  I know all of you are asking, "Why the hell is he talking about Chia Seeds?"  Well, in a nutshell, because I read it in a book.....

Chia Seeds

I first learned about Chia Seeds while reading the book Born to Run In there, the author, Christopher McDougall, talks about a time when he was running in the canyons with the Tarahumara Indian tribe and he was given a drink that made him feel re-energized shortly after taking it.  It turns out, what he drank was a variation of the chia seed drink iskiate, or chia fresca.  
I am not a health nut by any means, but after reading about how the Tarahumara Indians live off of this and Pinole, while running anywhere from 50-100 miles PER DAY.  Yes, per day.  I will get into more about the Tarahumara Indians and their culture in a future post.  Anyway, back to why I am on a chia seed kick.  I read up on the benefits of it, which actually helps out runners tremendously (I'll tell you why in a minute):

  • Chia is very rich in omega-3 acids, containing more omega-3's than a more popular seed the flax seed.  
  • They provide fiber (25 grams gives you 6.9 grams of fiber)
  • They contain other important nutrients such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, molybdenum, niacin, and zing. 
  • If you allow the seeds to sit in water for 20-30 minutes (shorter if shaken up), the seeds form a gel.  This gel can be used to slow down the process by which enzymes break down carbs and convert them to sugar.
  • Chia seeds hold 10-12 times their body weight in water, keeping you hydrated longer without the need to drink water all the time while running.    
There is more Omega-3 in it than salmon, more calcium than 2% milk, and more antioxidants than fresh blueberries.  They are also extremely energizing. I have found it to be a great replacement to my daily double shot of espresso.  
For a distance runner, it provides not only the above advantages, but also help to slowly release carbs into the bloodstream.  It is the perfect natural replacement for all of those energy gels you are spending your money on.  

Chia Seed Uses

I bought this 3lb bag of Chia Seeds off of Amazon for $15 (click the link to take you directly to the page).  This should last me quite a bit, and is much cheaper than all the health food websites that charge you 3 times as much for this same amount.

Chia Gel

Looks delicious right?  That is a chia gel.  I mix 1/3 cup of chia seeds to 1 cup water.  I shake it for 15-20 seconds, let it sit for a minute or two, then shake again.  It immediately begins to form a gel, which can then be added to salads, smoothies, muffins, cereal, almost anything you want really.  Chia seeds don't have a taste.  Whatever you use it in, it will taste as if the chia seeds are not even in it.  

Chia Fresca

Yum, right?!?!  This is Chia Fresca.  It is the energy drink I use before going out on a run.  I take one tablespoon chia seeds, and about 10-12 ounces of water, shake for 15 seconds, let sit for about a minute, then add some lemon or lime juice and a small amount of sugar or honey for an added sweetness to it.  I keep them in the fridge so that when I drink them it is actually a refreshing chilled drink.  It's not chunky or gross drinking it either. 

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