Saturday, October 29, 2011

10/28/11: Rylee is a big girl

What does every big girl need?  If you said a big girl bed, you're right! 

Since it is close to baby time we need to make the transition of the girls sharing a room and a bed. Tonight was attempt one of I'm sure many at this feat. As you can imagine it didn't exactly go smooth, nor did I expect it to.  On the upside they did both stay in the bed.  There just happened to be a lot of talking, tattling, some crying, and very little sleeping.

First I heard: "Mommy, Rylee isn't closing her eyes!"
Then: "Mommy, Rylee isn't sleeping like you said!"
I think you get the picture how it went from there.

Finally Morgan gave up and just fell asleep. Rylee however, did not. She spent her time playing with all of Morgan's toys while she was asleep.  Every so often checking to make sure Morgan was actually still asleep but touching her or staring in her face.  Finally about 1 am Rylee gave in and fell asleep.  She then proceeded to wake up every hour or so in tears. I don't think she quite knew where she was. They both got up at 7:30 for good for the day.

Morgan had gymnastics Saturday morning so I stayed home with Rylee. Soon after Daddy and Mo left I looked over at Rylee who was leaning against the couch, drinking her milk, standing up, with her eyes closed. It was  10:30 am and this kid hasn't taken two naps since she was 7 months old. Needless to say she took two after her eventful night.

Stay tuned to see how Take Two goes....

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