Sunday, June 3, 2012

TBall it is!

Paul and I will debated this for probably the next 20 years.  Paul would love the girls to run track.  That was his sport and he claims he was pretty good at it. ;) I on the other hand have been playing softball since I was like 5.  I would prefer the girls to play softball if they are going to do any spring sports.  Lucky for me I can brainwash these kids at a young age since there are a lot more options for them to play TBall as opposed to running track.  This year we signed Morgan up for her first year. Let me start off by saying how hilarious it is to watch 4-5 year olds play TBall.  When we first got the call from the coach, he mentioned one other parent was going to help him but I volunteered Paul's services as well.  During the first practice our neighbor Keith joined the coaching crew.  By the time the first game came around I think they all looked at each other and wondered how they would have done it with any less than 4 coaches.

TBall for this age is fairly low key.  They don't keep score, you run one base per batter, everyone bats, etc.  It's really more about the kids A) learning some of the basics and B) having some fun. Also maybe C) playing in the dirt...because there is a lot of that going on.  Morgan does a pretty good job but as most 4 year olds her and the rest of her team get easily distracted.  My favorite moment? She wanted to field the ball and another kid got it.  She had attempted to run up but stopped midway once she realized she wasn't going to get it, turned around, looked at Paul and threw her glove off and said "I wanted it!".  Watching that from afar was hilarious.

Practicing before the game:


Coach Stoicoiu manning 3rd base.

Nothing keeps her hair back.

Getting some help from Dad.

Look at that form!

The difference between me and Paul? I say nice form about the picture above and he says it about the picture below.  He literally did say that.

Posing - future Field Falcon softball standout

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